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<p>2005: Donna Ramer</p>
Previous HBA STAR

2005: Donna Ramer

The Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA) named Donna Ramer its 2005 Strategic Transformation Achievement Recognition (STAR), formerly Volunteer of the Year award. Each year, the HBA honors a STAR who stands apart as a truly exemplary role model who has demonstrated a long-term commitment to the HBA’s strategic goals of advancement and impact of women in healthcare worldwide.

According to HBA chair emeritus Barbara Pritchard, “Donna has an incredibly clear focus of who we are and where we’re going. Her ability to synthesize messaging and provide consistency are key attributes for an organization that has grown from one chapter to seven, with new ones in formation.”

“The HBA has been very important to me,” said Donna. “I’ve been privileged to help further the mission of the HBA and status of women in the industry, while making life-long friendships.” Donna started as PR chair in 2000, was elected to the board in 2001 and re-elected in 2003, when she became the HBA’s first director of public affairs. She also assumed the task of chairing the Leadership Conference and, with HBA president-elect Debra Newton, created the HBA Leadership Institute as a national platform for training and sharing best practices.

Debra describes Donna as “the essence of what it means to be an HBA volunteer.” Donna “keeps the HBA on strategic message, helps position issues and gives clear, candid reasons for what will and won’t work.”

Chair emeritus Daria Blackwell has a special appreciation for Donna’s stewardship of the HBA message and image during the transition to a national organization. Calling her the “keeper of the message,” she said, “Donna never lost sight of who we are, always making sure everything reflected the highest possible standards.” Daria noted that it was Donna’s dedication and professionalism that made the HBA’s premier events - Leadership Conferences and 2004 Annual Meeting - “so strong and pivotal.”

As president (at the time of receiving the STAR award) of StrategCations, Inc., an independent crisis communications and public relations consultancy, Donna honed her communications and business-building skills early at several major international agencies. A member of PRSA and NY/WICI, Donna also chaired the communications committee of The Arc of the US, and contributed to The Power of Mergers, Creating Foundations for American Schools and the Cor Healthcare Leadership publications. 


All information in the honoree’s bio is reflective of the time they won the award.