Letter from HBA Orange County President
Greetings HBA Orange County,
Welcome to 2025! I am thrilled to serve as your HBA Orange County Board President for a third two-year term (sixth consecutive year)! Orange County is the newest chapter in the Pacific Region and growing rapidly. The Board is comprised of talented, passionate women and men dedicated to supporting the HBA’s mission of furthering the advancement and impact of women in the business of healthcare.
Our OC Board includes the following individuals:
President: Dr. Shawn Andrews (Andrews Research International)
Vice President: Sandra O’Donald (Oncocyte)
Director of Operations: Brad Lozan (Concuir Consulting)
Director of Programming and Events: Annum Zhara (Global Coalition for Adaptive Research)
Director of Membership and Engagement: Kelly Robyn (Insigniam)
Director of Marketing and Communications: Alana Darden Powell (Sumitomo Pharma America)
We are also fortunate to work with an esteemed Advisory Board of executive women across Orange County and a diverse group of committee members in the areas of Programming, Membership, Marketing, Mentorship, and Corporate Relations.
Together, this team accomplished the following in 2024:
- 20% total membership growth (97% growth since the chapter started in 2018).
- Total attendance at events: 300 people (averaging 20 people per event).
- Three first-of-its-kind events including TEDx Supper Club, axe throwing and dinner, and kayaking and brunch.
- Four educational programs with speakers on topics of leadership, perceptions, women’s career advancement and mentoring.
- Four in-person Coffee Chat programs.
- Four new member programs: “Making the Most of Your HBA Membership.”
- First event with new Corporate Partner Tarsus!
- Three OC Mentoring circles (10 mentees, 6 mentors) with two chapter co-leads.
- Four co-marketing events with Octane, including Women Leaders of Octane.
- Advisory Board of nine executive-level women; quarterly joint meetings with chapter.
- Collaborations: Dr. Shawn Andrews provided Superpowers talk for Global IWD celebration and served as an Ambassador Advisor to two Corporate Partner companies (J&J and Lundbeck).
We are now focused on 2025! We are working with our members, partners and advisors to strategically plan programs for the year that are valuable and relevant to women in healthcare and support health equity. We will continue to offer both educational and networking programs focused on a range of topics, including financial/investment, health equity, personal brand, and gratitude/wellness.
HBA OC is lucky to be a part of the Orange County community, as it is home to hundreds of healthcare-focused organizations including biopharma, medical device, diagnostics, research, hospitals, universities and consulting agencies. Whether you have been part of the HBA for many years or are new to the chapter, we hope you will join us at a networking or educational program this year and find out what we have to offer.
We encourage women and men at any level of their career to participate and engage with our local HBA OC chapter. If you’re looking to volunteer or contribute, don’t hesitate to contact us based on your area of interest.
We look forward to a great 2025 – and seeing you at our next event!
Dr. Shawn Andrews
HBA Orange County President