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One for the Books: A Terrific Discussion at Tarsus

Four panelsits

On November 21, 2024, the HBA Orange County Chapter hosted an incredible event that brought together over 40 attendees for networking and an inspiring discussion. A heartfelt thank you to Tarsus Pharmaceuticals for sponsoring the event and contributing their leadership voices to the panel. 

The evening, titled Helping Women Rise: Women in Leadership Share Their Experiences, was electrifying. Hosted at the offices of HBA Corporate Partner, Tarsus Pharmaceuticals, the event fostered authentic and meaningful dialogue between the panelists and audience. 

Our dynamic panel of leaders shared actionable advice on topics such as “Building Confidence in Your Expertise” and “Navigating Professional Spaces as the Only Woman in the Room”. The moderator skillfully guided the conversation, creating an engaging and relatable atmosphere. Audience members added to the richness of the evening with thoughtful questions and comments, making the event highly interactive and fostering a genuine sense of community. 

Notably, the presence of male allies further elevated the conversation, underscoring the importance of shared commitment to advancing women in leadership. 

A big thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to this memorable evening. We extend our deepest appreciation to our exceptional moderator and panelists: Dianne Whitfield, Shawn Andrews, Jennifer Riad, and Neera Chase. 
