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The HBA’s Constellation League and their Extraordinary Commitment to Service

Constellation League

Late last year, the HBA proudly introduced the Constellation League whose distinguished membership includes its Founders, Chair Emeriti, STARs, and nominated volunteers who have held global board positions and volunteers with a demonstrable track record of dedicated service and notable accomplishments within HBA.   

“As the HBA expands globally, these women provide the HBA an extended network of experienced HBA leaders with diverse perspectives and expertise. The Constellation League offers valuable perspectives from their professional experience spanning a broad range of disciplines including leadership development, diversity and inclusion, gender parity and business entrepreneurship. Our stakeholders value HBA’s institutional legacy and the Constellation League embodies not only our history but also opportunities for the future,” said Mary Stutts, HBA’s CEO. 

This year, the Constellation League has been working to share the robust expertise and collective decades of experience with industry women, particularly the 2024 class of HBA’s Rising Stars & Luminaires. 

In a recent Town Meeting with HBA’s active global leaders, Jeanne Zucker, HBA Chair Emeritus and co-chair of The Constellation League, shared this vision with the North American Operating Board.   “The Constellation League members are Ambassadors for the HBA.  We serve as speakers, mentors, advisors and as individuals to help develop the next generation of HBA leaders.  We can be a resource for programs locally and regionally for HBA members and constituents. We bring industry knowledge, professional experience, and dedication to the HBA and we are here to serve.” 

Rebecca Vermeulen, VP, Global Patient Networks, Product Development, Medical Affairs, Genentech, HBA Chair Emeritus, and co-chair of The Constellation League, provided the following context.  “It is our mission to serve as Champions for the HBA, to advance the vision and mission and provide support where we can be of value to the organization given our rich history and experience.   Our first area of focus is increasing member engagement with the HBA, and we will be starting with the engagement of our Rising Stars and Luminaries.  Each year the HBA recognizes individuals, identified by our Corporate Partners as either aspiring or accomplished leaders, and we would like to continue to honor these individuals and encourage involvement with the HBA to realize the full potential of their recognition.   To address this, we are working to create and foster a Rising Star and Luminary Community with special programming to address this opportunity.”   

In May, the Constellation League held its first multi-panel Rising Star and Luminary Engagement Event in conjunction with the HBA’s annual Woman of the Year luncheon in New York City.   The afternoon program provided Rising Stars and Luminaries a chance to get to know HBA through a series of executive panels and discussions and hear directly from the HBA inaugural Constellation League members including four past Women of the Year: Sharon Callahan, past CEO CDM, WOTY (2019),  Dr. Deborah Dunsire, past CEO, Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals, WOTY (2009),  Meryl Zausner,  past CFO,  Novartis Pharmaceuticals,  WOTY (2007) and Catherine Sohn, Pharm D, Board Member and WOTY (2003).  These women, who have advanced their careers into the C-suite and now are sitting on a wide range of Boards shared their perspectives on leadership, the value of networks, and their ongoing commitment and passions to advance women at all stages of their careers through their ongoing engagement with HBA. 

As a follow up to the May program, the Constellation League has launched the Astral Leadership series of on-line programs and discussion forums on topics of interest to Rising Stars and Luminaries, facilitated by members of the Constellation League.  These include topics critical for career advancement and leadership such as: Building a Strategic Network, Developing and Managing High- Performance Teams, Raising Visibility Externally and Internally through Executive Presence, and Developing a Plan to get on Corporate/Private Boards. The five-part series being developed by Constellation League members Taren Grom, Charlene Prounis, and Karen Rauhauser will promote learning and development as well as opportunities to network and further develop HBA’s membership community.   

A goal of The Constellation League through these initiatives will be to build awareness among Rising Stars and Luminaries about ongoing regional programming as well as the potential to raise their own hand for volunteer leadership board roles-- advancing their leadership, building skills, and expanding networks.   

Membership in the Constellation League is by invitation only annually, to executive leaders who have completed their terms of service and formal HBA leadership roles. 
