HBA Rochester Event: Meet the HBA Happy Hour

Professionals from the bio/med and life sciences industry in Western and Central New York came together with HBA members on Tuesday, 1 October, 2024 for a Meet the HBA Happy Hour held in downtown Rochester. Butler/Till, a Certified B corporation marketing agency specializing in healthcare, and HBA Corporate Partner, sponsored the event, which was co-organized by HBA Greater Rochester. The modern, state-of-the-art building space highlights the convergence of elegance, function and sustainability. The ambience was perfect for like-minded individuals to network and learn about how the HBA connects women and allies across the healthcare business sector. The spacious cafe provided many opportunities for participants to mingle, whether around the buffet of drinks and appetizers at one end, seated at any of the cafe tables in the middle, or at the HBA booth at the other end, where they could check out the swag and prize offerings.”
There was a buzz in the room as attendees arrived, grabbed some refreshments and jumped headfirst into completing their signature HBA Bingo networking card. If you’ve been to an HBA networking event before, you’ve likely learned first-hand how fun it can be learning more about fellow professionals in healthcare as you gradually check off boxes on your bingo card that require you to ask interesting questions to other attendees. Memories were made and lasting connections were formed as attendees bonded over shared experiences in efforts to build their networks and win some prizes.
Butler/Till Chief Marketing Officer Amanda DeVito led an engaging conversation with panelists Michael Deichmiller (Butler/Till VP of Client Engagement & Planning) and Melissa Grey (HBA Greater Rochester President) about the importance of gender parity in healthcare and how the HBA and Butler/Till are working towards that goal. Melissa lamented that she only recently learned at this year’s HBA Woman of the Year event that women were not required to be included in clinical trials until 1993! That’s only a little over 3 decades ago that the physiological differences between men and women were acknowledged adequately to support the need for equity in testing drugs and medical devices. Michael spoke to the benefits of working in a women-owned/led organization, highlighting the inclusive culture at Butler/Till. Other topics included Artificial Intelligence applications in healthcare, how the HBA is empowering female entrepreneurs in healthcare with access to capital and resources, and the benefits of corporate-sponsored events such as this one.
If you would like to learn more about shaping a healthier, more equitable future for all women, please join us for a thought-provoking virtual educational event on 21 November, when Butler/Till, Resonate, and the Healthcare Businesswomen's Association (HBA) will shine a spotlight on the often-overlooked disparities in women’s health.
The panel speakers included:
- Lynn Duffy (Director of Research, Butler-Till)
- Ericka McCoy (Chief Marketing Officer, Resonate)
- Jenny Sheng (Founder & Chief Patient Officer, Innomaven)
To learn more about the critical gaps and exciting opportunities in women’s healthcare, join us at our next event Click Here to Register!