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Announcing HBA’s Q4 Key Liaison Awardees

Q4 Key Liaisons

The HBA is proud to announce our Q4 honorees for the Key Liaison Awards:

Thea En
Global Head Of Inclusion and Diversity

"Congratulations to Thea En on her outstanding contributions to the HBA/Bayer partnership! Thea’s dedication to empowering women within Bayer exemplifies her commitment to fostering growth and inclusion. Her alignment with HBA’s mission of "United Force for Change" is truly inspiring, and her efforts in driving meaningful impact in the DE&I space are making a tangible difference.
Thea, your leadership and passion make you an exceptional key liaison, and I’m confident that together, we’ll continue to achieve great things for Bayer and beyond. Thank you for your hard work, and congratulations on this well-deserved recognition!" – Rob Smith, Senior Manager, Corporate Accounts, HBA

Kelly Coley
Operational Excellence Manager

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“Congratulations, Kelly! I have had the privilege of partnering with Kelly over the past year, and she has consistently exemplified exceptional leadership and a strong commitment to both personal and organizational growth. As an active volunteer with the HBA, Kelly regularly leads thought-provoking and courageous conversations on topics aimed at driving change within the healthcare industry. Her passion for empowering the women of Ferring Pharmaceuticals and ensuring they feel heard is truly inspiring. Thank you, Kelly, for your unwavering dedication and for everything you have done to strengthen the HBA partnership. We deeply value your collaboration.” – Lanesha Whitefield, Corporate Partner Engagement Account Manager, HBA

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Learn more about the Key Liaison Award program here.
