National Volunteer Week Spotlight: Meet Adriana Sanchez

Adriana Sanchez
Corporate Account Director, Market Access, F2G, Inc.
HBA Chapter: HBA Houston
Current role with the HBA: Operations Director, HBA Houston
Volunteering with the HBA is especially important to me because not only does the HBA provide a strong community to enhance and expand your professional network, but it creates a supportive environment where you can utilize experiential leadership to build, develop, and strengthen new skills. These unique opportunities offer a space to learn, grow, and thrive beyond everyday capabilities, providing further motivation to create both personal and community impact to elevate yourself and others.
Volunteering has impacted my career by having the HBA, a highly respected professional organization in the healthcare industry, highlight my contributions, achievements, and recognitions on social media. This recognition has shown my employer my enhanced leadership skills and industry involvement. For those of us who are more comfortable touting the actions and roles of others, the HBA serves as a public medium where the activities of its volunteers are celebrated and spotlighted across social media.
My favorite HBA event I ever attended was… Although difficult to only select one, I’d say one of HBA Houston’s Leadership Roundtable events. They offer members the rare opportunity to network and engage with healthcare industry leaders in a round-robin discussion-style setting, encouraging direct interaction and conversation from all attendees. This relaxed atmosphere allows leaders to share their professional experiences, offer personal pearls of wisdom, and openly answer questions from each interaction. These events are always well attended and receive exceptional feedback from both attendees and speakers.
Volunteering has expanded my network by providing me with a channel to meet, connect, and interact with a wide range of local leaders and industry influencers. Organizing HBA Houston events has exposed me to some of Houston’s top names and community leads. Although expanding my professional network is important, the HBA has also connected me with a group of strong, talented, like-minded individuals that not only come together to create valuable programming for HBA members but also have fun in the process. The HBA gave me the gift of a group of dynamic women whom I am happy to call my friends.
The most valuable lesson I learned from fellow volunteers is how we thrive when we have diversity. With members boasting a wide variety of skills, talents, and abilities, HBA Houston is fortunate to draw from a strong pool. By capitalizing on individual strengths, we actively learn from one another and work together to create and maintain a strong, collaborative chapter to serve members.
My employer encourages me to volunteer for the HBA because they believe in the mission of the organization and the developmental and networking value it brings to its members.
What skills have you acquired or fine-tuned during your time as an HBA volunteer that you feel will help you create a future full of possibilities? I am the perfect example of experiential leadership. My first role on the HBA Houston Board of Directors as the Director at Large of Marketing and Communications was a continual learning experience. For many, posting on LinkedIn, tagging people and organizations, and creating marketing collateral may be an everyday activity. However, for me—someone who rarely posted or interacted with others on social media—these skills were all a learning process. Fortunately, the HBA gives you the runway and supportive environment to learn and develop new skills. I am happy to say that I have now figured it out and have the pleasure to assist and teach others best practices to minimize their learning curve and maximize their social media impact.
My favorite part of volunteering for the HBA is connecting with strong women and working together to build a chapter that provides an avenue for others to learn, grow, and develop. Offering a supportive community allows HBA members to challenge, encourage, and celebrate the achievements and promotions of others, all while working hard… and having fun in the process.
I first got involved with the HBA when a past employer, during a company-wide meeting, introduced the HBA to all employees. I initially saw this as an opportunity to get more involved in my community and expand my local network. Once I learned more about the organization and its mission, I took an active role on the HBA Houston Board of Directors and have since made it my mission to help expand the HBA in the Houston area to further the advancement and impact of women in the business of healthcare.
What would be your advice to someone thinking about joining or getting more involved with the HBA? There is nothing to think about – just do it! You can customize your involvement to fit your needs and your schedule. If you have the time to volunteer and get more involved with your chapter or region, there is a position for you where you can contribute and develop your talents. The benefits you reap, when you invest your time as a volunteer, are considerably multiplied; you get more back than you put in. From exposure to leaders across the healthcare industry, opportunities to impact and shape the future of healthcare, and award recognition for your efforts to finding career support and connections, you have the opportunity to volunteer with a diverse group of women and men that support, celebrate, and empower your potential.
Even if you only have time to attend events, the selection of programs available at both the global and local levels will provide you with quality engagement opportunities that will meet your developmental goals. Live events (both in-person and virtual) can provide you with face-to-face access to local leaders and will enhance your network connections.
What are you waiting for?
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