HBA Suburban Delaware Valley Member Spotlight: Valacia Titus

Learn more about HBA Suburban Delaware Valley member, Valacia Titus.
What is your current job title?
Manager, US Product Strategy at Incyte Corporation
Why did you join the HBA?
Starting out within the pharmaceutical industry, I truly didn’t have anyone that I could reach out to for career advice or guidance. Not only did I not have someone whose career I could look to as a blueprint, but I especially didn’t have someone who I identified with who worked within the space. Having joined the HBA, I’m surrounded by women of all different backgrounds and experiences that are more than happy to lend an ear to someone fresh in their career like me, and I can’t wait to do the same for the generation behind me.
What are your interests outside of work and the HBA?
When I was a kid, I asked my parents for turntables. They said, “absolutely not,” and gifted me a microscope instead. Although things worked out, now that I’m an adult, I decided to follow my love for music. When time permits, I have a lot of fun DJ’ing and making mixes at home. Outside of music, I love working out and have recently started boxing in the area.
What or who inspires you?
This may or may not sound cheesy, but witnessing good deeds truly inspires me. So many times, people get bogged down by everything that’s wrong in the world and don’t take the time to appreciate all the good that’s happening around them. I’m truly inspired by small acts of kindness and believe that a huge purpose in life is to create small moments that can make someone’s day.
What is a fun fact about you?
I don’t really have a “hometown” per se. As a military kid, I’ve lived around the world, and have gotten away with making small claims to a little bit of everywhere. My parents live in Florida, so that’s currently what I call “home” for the holidays.
What’s your favorite quote?
I’m not sure who said it, but I 100% live by the quote, “There’s no growth in comfort.”
What are you passionate about in your service with the HBA? In your career?
Similar to the reason I joined the HBA, I’m truly passionate about giving a voice to those who are underserved within the healthcare industry. So much information is starting to be released about the lack of diversity in clinical trials and the underrepresentation of Black physicians. I’m passionate about passing along information to my peers and opening windows to people who may not have had the opportunity to walk in the door.